Baggage handling system maintenance

How can maintenance keep baggage on the move?
Scarabee are experts on both the technical and operational aspects of baggage handling. Our teams support and monitor systems, providing 24/7 baggage handling system maintenance. Together with Babcock, our international maintenance partner, we focus on continuously improving the systems we support, resulting in innovations that really help our customers improve performance: maximizing throughput, minimizing errors and reducing costs.


Baggage handling system maintenance

Regular maintenance keeps baggage moving

Schiphol’s baggage systems are fully operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every moving part is subject to continual wear and tear, as are the complex IT systems which guide the sorting, routing and monitoring of the weekly load of one million pieces of baggage. Continuous system maintenance and improvement is needed to keep Schiphol’s baggage on the move.

Scarabee has a number of teams on standby, 24/7. One of our teams works together with staff from Babcock Airports, our UK-based maintenance partner. Our maintenance and support is continually monitored using ITIL v3 performance standards, allowing us to count and evaluate the incidents and the quality of solution, as well as register costs, hours worked, system improvements and the number of pieces of luggage. Schiphol have entrusted us with the task of keeping their passengers’ baggage moving: our success is that the passengers never even notice our work.


Visitors address

Avio Trade park
Hoeksteen 131
2132 MX Hoofddorp
The Netherlands

Postal address

Hoeksteen 131
2132 MX Hoofddorp
The Netherlands