Welcome Reception FTE 2016

Welcome Reception FTE 2016


Thank you for joining us at the Welcome Reception of the Future Travel Experience 2016 in Amsterdam. It was a great pleasure meeting you and we hope you have enjoyed spending time in a relaxed atmosphere, not only networking with other people from across the globe, but also learn about the importance of Sound Airport Processes: good atmosphere, nice surroundings, a place where you would like to spend your free time, where the passenger is in control of their journey and decides what he wants to do.

“You can make the difference; you can make someone’s day.” ...and we hope we made your evening!

Looking forward to meeting you soon!

Scarabee Aviation Group

Welcome Reception FTE 2016


Visitors address

Avio Trade park
Hoeksteen 131
2132 MX Hoofddorp
The Netherlands

Postal address

Hoeksteen 131
2132 MX Hoofddorp
The Netherlands